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Your feedback is transforming Church Street

One of the first major projects in the Church Street Regeneration, the development of Sites A, B and C will bring new homes, shop space, facilities for the market and a place for the Church Street Library.

We listened carefully to the feedback the community gave us since 2019 and we carried out a two stage pre-planning application process in 2021.

In 2022 we wanted all residents living in the regeneration areas named Site A,B & C to have their say on our regeneration proposal.

We held a residents’ ballot from November 19 to December 21 2022 to make sure the community supported our plans. The result saw 56% of residents take part in the ballot and 73.1% voted ‘yes’.





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Key Facts

Sites A, B & C will deliver approximately 1,120 new homes and will ensure the re-provision of all existing council homes with new higher quality council homes for social rent with affordable homes making up over 50% of the homes delivered in the scheme.

Following a positive resident ballot result the approved plans will enable the council to:

  • Build new high quality, affordable homes by unlocking funding from the Greater London Authority
  • Create new pedestrianised routes and high quality green public spaces through new public and private landscaping
  • Create new community facilities, including a new playground and replacement library
  • Provide enhanced market infrastructure for Church Street Market
  • Create new jobs and training opportunities, as well as new shops for the local community
  • Introduce new cycle infrastructure, including cycle storage, enhanced cycling routes and 1,500 new cycle parking spaces, building on the council’s Active Travel commitments
  • Sites B & C have outline planning permission, meaning there will still be further consultation on the design development for these sites as the programme progresses.

Read more about the scheme in our press release

Church Street Regeneration Scheme awarded planning permission

What are the next stages of the programme?

Initial demolition has started on Site A with the demolition of garages spaces. The council is currently in the process of appointing a contractor for future phases of the demolition which is expected to happen in Spring/Summer 2024. As the first site to be built we will continue working with residents, businesses and members of the community to prepare for demolition work.

Site A QR Code

Site A design QR Code

Another important aspect of progressing the redevelopment is the appointment of a joint venture partner. To build the new Site A we need the expertise of contractors and specialists specifically for the purpose of taking forward the development. A ‘joint venture’ approach means the council will work with a partner to deliver the regeneration, whilst ensuring residents’ interests are protected. The council is currently in the process of appointing a delivery partner.

The below is the strategic timeline for Site A

February 2024 Mount Anvil selected as joint venture partner.

June 2024 Site A CPO Enquiry

By Quater 1 2025 Start on Site A

Quater 1 2030 Practical Completion

Church Street Regeneration Community Group The council has a Church Street Regeneration Community Group which runs on a bi-monthly basis. This group provides residents a platform to heard on various schemes and projects across Church Street and an opportunity to work with the council. Read more on our Church Street Regeneration Community Group page Church Street Community Regeneration Group

Contact us

If you would like to contact us to discuss the regeneration, you can call the Regeneration office on 020 7641 2968 or email us at

If you are a resident of Sites A,B and C you can also get independent tenant and resident leasehold advice from PPCR, contact Pam or Janet

Pam Kovachich

Janet Edwards


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