Projects Church Street Triangle

The improvements to the Church St Triangle are now completed. Key features of this scheme included: 

  • New seating areas based on gabion cages filled with reclaimed stones from Lisson St Gardens and roof tiles from the WC block 
  • New lighting columns 
  • New trees 
  • New paving stones along the shop fronts and toilet block  
  • Retention of the York stone slabs and inscribed plaques 

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Triangle Project

The Church Street Triangle project aims to refurbish unused buildings and upgrade underused public space to create a new heart for the area which can be enjoyed by the local community for years to come. This project will be delivered in 2023.

In September 2020 Westminster City Council and Jan Kattein Architects presented initial designs for the Church Street Triangle. The proposed new space will introduce areas for micro retail and enterprise space and provide community space in the heart of Church Street.





Triangle Café 

As a part of the improvements to the Church St Triangle, the old toilet block has been converted into a café along with new public toilets.  

We have appointed Arbeit Studios to work with local businesses to find a suitable operator for this café space. If you are interested in finding out more about the café space, please contact We hope that the café will be filled by Autumn 2024. 

Cafe front

Cafe back

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Triangle Enterprise Space 

As part of the improvements to the Church Street Triangle, we have created a new Enterprise and Community Space in unit 62 and units 66-72 Church Street. Together, the spaces will provide seven studio units for use by local start-up businesses and a flexible space for events, workshops, and community activities. 

We have appointed Arbeit Studios to work with local businesses and residents to make the most of this space. If you are interested in learning more about it, contact We hope that all the units will be filled by Autumn 2024 

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