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Church Street Regeneration Programme update: April/May 2020

This is an update for the Church Street community about how coronavirus has affected the projects within the regeneration programme. Westminster City Council (WCC) understand the deep concerns about the outbreak of coronavirus. If you or anyone you know needs any help – whether it is getting food, medication, questions about finances or anything else – please contact the Westminster Connects helpline. Details are below. 

 Stay in touch
The Regeneration Base on Church Street is temporarily closed, and we will review this as government advice is updated. Whilst we can’t talk to you face to face, we are keen to keep having conversations about the regeneration programme and are still available on the usual phone number and email address. PPCR, the independent advisor for residents, is still also working hard to support you. We’re also finalising plans to stay in touch online and offline and will be in touch with details.

 Construction sites
The construction sites that are operating within the Church Street regeneration programme are at Lisson Arches and Luton Street, where staff can follow guidance on social distancing. Westminster Council is ensuring that those involved in construction are complying with the Government guidance. Ashmill, Ashbridge & Cosway Streets are currently suspended.

 Site A residents
We can’t move residents from Site A at the moment and viewings of Lyon’s Place are also on hold. Your relocations officer will be in touch with you as soon as we are able to restart moves and viewings.

 Neighbourhood Keepers 
The Neighbourhood Keeper’s programme has suspended some activities, but where possible is offering some sessions online. Information is below.

 Employment Coaches
Our Employment Coaches continue to help residents access work opportunities. They are providing services such as interviews, job applications, and help with access to benefits via phone and e-mail. Contact details below. 

 Church Street Market
Following the government guidance, the market remains open for essential food shopping, as do other markets in Westminster. If you use it, please remember to minimise time spent outside and stay 2m away from anyone outside your household.

 Church Street Library
Due dates for all borrowed books at Church Street Library have been extended and you will not be charged overdue fees. New customers can join online without the need to visit a library to collect a card.


If you need …


Help with getting food or medication, information about finances, or any other help during the lockdown

Westminster Connect


020 7641 1222


Information about the support available for businesses at this time


WCC’s Business Unit


Information about Council Services as a result of the Coronavirus



Information about the Church Street regeneration programme

020 7641 2968 or 07890 380 252 (text)


facebook.com/mychurchstreet or churchstreet.org


Independent advice for residents whose homes are affected by the regeneration programme

PPCR (the residents’ independent advisor)

0800 317 066 (freephone) or 020 7407 7452


Pamela 07966 595 527 or Janet 07801 299813


Advice from your relocations officer (this only applies to people living on Site A)

Adnan Rahim (relocations team manager)

07966 202902 or Arahim@westminster.gov.uk


Advice about your registration letter (this only applies to people living on Site A)


Monique Isaac - MIsaac@wcchss.org.uk

020 7641 5863


Information about selling your home (this only applies to homes on Site A)


Anton Robinson (sales negotiator)

0207 641 4372



Place on the Neighbourhood Keepers’ online yoga & mindfulness / mum & toddler yoga classes


07877 379860

Place on the Neighbourhood Keepers’ free online Zumba Gold sessions (for residents aged over 50)


Andrea (by text please) 07878 357 833

Support from our employment coaches on the phone or over email



020 7641 3336

To access the library’s free online eBooks and eMagazines, to join the library, or ask any questions


www.westminster.gov.uk/ebooks-emagazines-and-audiobooks churchstreetlibrary@westminster.gov.uk

020 7641 6200
