Pop up job fair Nov 2019

Building a career in construction

Sixty people looking for a new job in the construction industry came to meet employers at a recent event at the Greenside Community Centre.

Jobs on offer included site office admin, ground work labourers and apprentice plumber and electrician roles.

People attending the event also made good use of the Westminster Employment Service coaches, who gave advice and practical suggestions to make the hunt for a job more successful.

Glenroy Anderson is one of two coaches based at the Church Street Regeneration Office who took part and said: “The event was really well received by everyone who attended. There was a wide range of jobs on offer, and it was great to see so many people making positive steps towards a new job.” One attendee was offered a job on the spot and started in their new role the day after the fair!

As the Church Street Regeneration Programme continues, new roles will become available on the construction sites across the area. These job opportunities will be offered through the employment service, so please do get in touch if you would like to know more. If you would like their help, you can find out more by clicking here.

The companies that took part were: 

  • Axis Europe
  • Berkeley Homes
  • Clipfine
  • Durkan
  • Erith
  • Morgan Sindall
  • Multiplex
  • Sir Robert McAlpine
  • Willmott Dixon