Carrick Yard

Works at Luton Street to re-start

Works at Luton Street to re-start

You may have noticed that work at Luton Street stopped on Friday 27 March 2020. The contractor, Bouygues UK Ltd, closed all sites to undertake a detailed review of the advice from the government to ensure the safety of its staff and the public in light of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Government guidance is that construction sites can operate as long as the strict guidelines from Public Health England and the Construction Leadership Council are followed. Bouygues has now completed a thorough review of the operations on site and has produced a detailed plan to ensure that works can be undertaken safely.

Westminster City Council have reviewed the proposals in detail. We are confident that the plans do not present any additional risk to the community and provide the workforce with a safe place of work. Bouygues UK Ltd intend to re-open the site from Monday 27 April 2020.

A wide range of precautions are being put in place including:

· Only essential work will take place and the number of staff on site will be kept to a minimum

· Car and bike parking spaces will be made available to help staff avoid using public transport

· The small number of staff who must use public transport will travel off-peak

· Start times, break times and finish times will be staggered to minimise interactions

· The staff canteen, bathroom facilities and offices have been adapted to make sure staff can keep a safe distance

· Regular and through cleaning will take place

· Staff will wear masks if their work requires them to stand closer than 2 meters

· All staff are always required to stay on site within the hoarding until it is time for them to leave for the day

The working environment will be reviewed and updated against the current government advice regularly.

Working times

Work will take place between 8.00am and 6.00pm on Monday to Friday and 8.00am to 1.00pm on Saturdays. Work will not take place on Sundays or Bank Holidays. Bouygues UK Ltd, is registered with the Considerate Construction Scheme (CCS) and will do everything they can to minimise disruption. This includes alleviating dust, noise, vibrations or any other disruptions throughout works.

What we are building

These works are part of the Church Street Regeneration Programme. Westminster City Council and Linkcity are working together on this project. The contractor is building:

· New, high quality homes (109 private and 61 social rent), three of which are at Fisherton Street and 168 at Luton Street

· A landscaped green link between Fisherton Street and Salisbury Street which will connect to the Green Spine planned for the surrounding area

· A three-court sports hall and community space

If you have any questions about the construction project, please contact Augustin Dufour, Project Director at Bouygues UK Ltd, on 07903 081033.

In an emergency please call Project Manager Jean Paul Lyane on 07580 978023.

If you have any queries about the regeneration in general, please get in touch using the contact details at the top of this letter.

If you need help

Westminster City Council understand the deep concerns about the outbreak of coronavirus. If you or anyone you know needs any help – whether it is getting food, medication, questions about finances or anything else – please contact Westminster Connects at or on 020 7641 1222.

Thank you for your patience whilst these works take place.
